To verify available delivery options, kindly add your preferred item(s) to the cart. The available options will be visible during the checkout process.
Standard shipping is available for smaller items and will ship via FedEx, USPS, or UPS.
For larger furniture and fragile items, a shipping base rate of $299 per item applies within a 1000 mile radius of zip code 19124. Additional rates may apply for delivery zip codes outside this radius. Feel free to contact us prior to purchase to receive a hassle-free shipping quote. Please be sure to note the item you are interested in as well as your delivery zip code.
Standard delivery time for freight items is approximately 4-6 weeks but may vary depending on the carrier and delivery location. Unless otherwise specified, all shipping is managed by third-party companies. Rest assured, we have successfully partnered with these carriers for many of our shipments, and your delivery will be in great hands.